Hoseheads Stop Chiefs

McCALLUM STREET – The Hoseheads continued their winning ways with a 6-3 victory over the Chiefs. A one-sided affair for the first two periods, the hosers gave the Chiefs’ defense quite the early-week workout. As for the fourth period, it went to the Chiefs by default … seeing as they are all old enough to consume alcoholic beverages.

Looking forward to Saturday, and eager to see how it all shakes out.

6 Final   

Darkness Falls

8 Final   

Hockey Bob reports: Darkness lost 8-6, the final goal was an empty netter, It was garbage goal heaven. Heron played a good game and had a couple of sweet goals Carter had three nice ones all the rest were trash it was 2-2 in the first four minutes.

Wetas Win, Wet Whistle From Wheelbarrow

WetasBernie gets major against minor
The Wetas came out strong against the Hoseheads, jumping out to a 4-0 lead relying equally on a strong forecheck and backcheck.
The Hoseheads were able to close the gap to 5-3 with less than seven to play in the third but the Wetas locked down the lead at that point.
The Hoseheads number 40, who is twelve years younger than Kratzer’s shoulder pads, got into it with Bernie with nine to play and both players were ejected for fighting. WSL officials are expecting a note from #40’s mom, who was in attendance.
The final was 6-3 and the Wetas are officially out of the basement.

Tonight features two excellent matchups as Darkness II faces the Ducks and the Chiefs take on WSC in what’s sure to be a raucous environ.