Preseason Week 2025

Monday 9:00 PM
The Dons vs Szyslaks
Monday 10:30 PM
Diamond Joes vs Discos
Tuesday 7:20 PM
Kwikies vs Krustofskys
Tuesday 8:55 PM
Doodilys vs Jailbirds
Tuesday 10:30 PM
Scottsmen vs Dutchmen
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Heini Klum
9 hours ago

Instant Feedback on Tuesday Night.
Krustofskys have already peaked. All downhill from here.
Kwikies already needed ringers to get through the first game. Not a good sign.
Doodilys look like they want to be the villains. Too much flow coming from those helmets. A timeout in a preseason game? Come on! But the Jailbirds rallied back with a timeout of their own. Good troll game. Hopefully it pours over to the comment section.
Only uniform comments for the late game. The two shades of blue make the Scottsmen this season’s fashion fails. But the Dutchmen need to figure out how to wear their wavy socks. It was a mess out there.