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aldo is better
aldo is better
1 year ago

Freddie is not amused

1 year ago

This definitely needed to be transcribed and documented:

Announcer: …for the national anthem, please stand….

Crowd chanting: USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!
[Music starts playing]

Val: Nyet! It is time for Russian National Anthem. I will play myself!

Oh Russia! My home and native laaand!

True nuclear weapon in Belarussian laaand!

And now we sing to Mother Russia!

I hope you all choke and die!

Especially you! And you! And all of you! 

Russia! We are so much better than yoooooou!

[National anthem music plays, mob crowd boos Blazic]

M Bev
1 year ago

Congrats guys