Rosters Announced

2008 Rosters have been announced.

14ers14 ‘ERS
Bernie Gillespie
Bill Cleary
Bake Leonards
Jamie Shoup
Mark Thompkins
Steve Buccifarro
Dan Tedesco
Mike Sivel
Ryan Schwartz
Jeff Nesbitt
Dave Mchale
Pat Tuffy
Larry Klebanoff
Bob Klebanoff
Chris Halligan (goalie)

Chris Golin
Mark Vanderzwan
Nick Mileo
Kierstan Williams
Doug Soehl
Fred Heilman
Jon Gibbons
Tom Dwyer
James Hanlon
Brett Thibodeau
Eric Bryce
Art Etchells
Amos Burns
Leo Eisenstein
Corey Abrams
Andrew Lust (Goalie)

Bob Grill
Kevin Mc Clellan
Scott Carr
Mike Elephant
Paul Gieb
Jim Brnich
Jon Buehler
Matt Buehler
Jim Blackwood
Matt Coddaire
Jim Convey
Joe Pattitucci
Sam Jadczak
Jim Aramini
Chris Wang (Goalie)

Sean Heron
Pete Naticcione
Gino Naticcione
Brett Urban
Rob Baer
Chris Baer
Matt Baer
Gump Whiteside
Dave Kratzer
Paul Lefebvre
Dave Scheerr
Bill Michini
Greg Bevan
John Demieo
Meyer Black (Goalie)

Mark Jenkins
Ryan Berkery
Dan Berkery
Brian Jones
Bill Melissen
Scott Emerson
Glen Miller
Jay Wustner
Jay Matthews
Rock Gallagher
Brett Horger
Rob Zatkowski
Ed Rodgers
Brian McCoy
Mike O’Reilly
Kyle Yashin (goalie)

Ice ChucksIce Chucks
Ice Chucks
Mike Dennis
Todd Wochok
Darren Clark
Doug Kish
Greg MacMurray
Al Donato
Marshall Schwartz
Jeff Brian
Steve Barbera
Evan Konstant
Mike Budd
Brandon Burkholder
Mike Kendzior
Jeff Conybear
Jason Gordon
Josh Maciolek (goalie)

Aaron Rappaport
John Eddleman
Clayton White
Ryan Parkin
Ryan Ciolli
Ryan Jones
Paul Marcotte
Ray Berardi
Keith Yaller
Scott Mason
Chris Curci
Brit Porter
Greg Curci
Pat Doggett
Ben Wilner
Axelrod (Goalie)

Rich Durso
Allain St. Hilaire
Ryan Mclaughlin
Soloman Shockman
Mike O’Malley
Dave Kane
John McGovern
Dave Joyce
Kevin Hamel
Andre Lennertz
Dave Marasco
Phil Quenzer
Burt Gauthier
Bill Simon
Bill Powell
Matt Lennertz (Goalie)

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Jon B
Jon B
17 years ago

Still looks pretty even to me. Only the games will tell.

Jon B
Jon B
17 years ago

Art, The new site heading looks great.

17 years ago

Great heading. Captain Duck and Goon Duck.

17 years ago

It looks like I am leaning in for the kill…..

“Oh Gunny….let me get that hunk of blue cheese on your cheek.”

“You can’t resist the electric blue pants!”

bobblehead joe
bobblehead joe
17 years ago

will the bakers get a win this year?

17 years ago


Not a Baker
Not a Baker
17 years ago

Prediction – Bakers get to the finals this year

Molson Golden
Molson Golden
17 years ago

Hockey Bob will manage to get a couple more A players on his roster by mid season.

not a chief
not a chief
17 years ago

I predict the cheifs blow a tire in the finals and go home empty handed three years in a row.

blow me
blow me
17 years ago

hoseheads won it. good try though

17 years ago

Everyone is a pussy because they are too chicken shit to leave there real names at the bottom

Dr. Bumba
Dr. Bumba
17 years ago

I agree.

no name
no name
17 years ago

Hey Ralph, F you. The names are listed at the top, not bottom you retard.

17 years ago

Have you ever seen a grown man naked, no name?

Ducks GM
Ducks GM
17 years ago

Do you like movies about Gladiators?

Jon B
Jon B
17 years ago

Timmy, Have you ever been to a Turkish Prison?

no name
no name
16 years ago

i think the chiefs will win the championship if the bear boys come back.