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joe p
17 years ago

lets go bakers!!!
be a good spoiler and steal some points!

Thirsty Goalie
Thirsty Goalie
17 years ago

Joe, I would think you guys would be rooting for the Ducks. Without having current standing to look at, it seems to me that you need to stay in front of the Bakers and also pass one other team if your going to make that elusive 5th place game.

Frosty Mug
Frosty Mug
17 years ago

Where are the updated standings? I thought the extra 20 dollars per player this year would go towards paying someone to upadate the standings weekly.

joe p
17 years ago

all we need is for bakers to beat the ducks, and for us to beat the wetas saturday and we’ll be in 4th (tied with the ducks but we beat you guys, remember?)

the last game of the season (flyers/ducks) might get real interesting…

“i’ll fight ya!”

Thirsty Goalie
Thirsty Goalie
17 years ago

How come the Wetas didn’t play at all this weekend?

Wetas GM
Wetas GM
17 years ago

wetas didn’t play casue they had a game in hand on everyone……results?!?!

Thirsty Goalie
Thirsty Goalie
17 years ago

Ducks won 6-5. The Bakers had a mad flurry at the end where they almost tied it up.

Warriors won 4-2 maybe? We kind of lost focus after two of the 14ers got in a fight with one another.

17 years ago

“Delay of Game” ?!?!?!? horrible call
We almost had that tie. Damn.

Dr. Bumba
Dr. Bumba
17 years ago

I will no longer back check in this league, I did it once and ended up tipping the Bakers 5th goal past Thirsty Goalie.

Thirsty Goalie
Thirsty Goalie
17 years ago

I still think Rock should have gotten a third man in call for trying to break up the fight between his teamates.

Wetas GM
Wetas GM
17 years ago

Who fought? Jesus V. fat moses would have been epic.

Dr. Bumba
Dr. Bumba
17 years ago

Sivel and tripod (teammates) almost fought but Rock was the peacekeeper. Every night at the WSL there is something new that occurs.

17 years ago

what about brother on brother? jesus vs. satan

Thirsty Goalie
Thirsty Goalie
17 years ago

Joe P,
Weren’t you updating the standings?

joe p
17 years ago

so are the quakers even still in the league? what were the scores of their last 2 games?

Thirsty Goalie
Thirsty Goalie
17 years ago

I don’t know the scores but they beat the 14ers and lost to the Chiefs (I think)

joe p
17 years ago

once i get those scores, i’ll post it up.

i can tell right now that the race for 3rd and 4th is going to be very close.

League Office,
what’s the deal with tiebreakers? nhl has it as:
-games won
-greater number of points earned in games between the tied clubs
-goal differential
-most beer consumed
-who can go without peeing the longest

League Office
League Office
17 years ago

I would say:
-goal differential
-games won
-most beer consumed
-who can go without peeing the longest
-most fights between team members

League Office
League Office
17 years ago

Points Record Goals For Against
3 0-5–3 BAKERS 29 43
13 6-1–1 CHIEFS 43 28
9 4-3–1 DUCKS 41 47
6 3-5–0 QUAKERS 39 41
12 6-2–0 WARRIORS 44 31
5 2-4–1 FLYERS 30 35
8 4-4–0 14’ers 40 32
6 2-3–2 WETAS 30 39

17 years ago

That ref was the best ever. Sivel got tripped into the net and got 2 minutes for intent to injure. BJ fought Sivel and got 10 minute misconduct. Moses got ejected, Mike called the ref and A$$hole and got ejected, somehow I got slashed in the face (thanks Morasco) no penalty. Net was torn and ref instead of getting a new net, wanted to find twine to fix it. The ref also noticed the broken glass 2 periods into the game and tried to call the game. Aldo was 82 feet offsides on the go-ahead goal (really, he was almost in the parking lot). Game also lasted and hour and 45 minutes.


Thirsty Goalie
Thirsty Goalie
17 years ago

His best call in the first game was giving Booty 2 minutes for Delay of the Game when he was being pressured and tried to bank it off of the boards barely missing the top of the low glass.

Jones said that was the same ref who f’ed up the Rams vs Pens spring league final 2 years ago.

The first 10 Min misconduct
The first 10 Min misconduct
17 years ago

I’ve been told that ref is also banned from reffing mens leagues at Aston and Iceline for his overly aggressive “new standards of play”

Commisioner hogie should have been a little more adamant in arguing the delay of game with the ref.

League office
League office
17 years ago

We have expressed our wish to the head of officiating to not have that ref do any more games. He is so bad he even causes fights between palyers on the same team! Unheard of!

17 years ago

I think if Bruce was by himself he would have heard more from the peanut gallery. we did remind last night’s ref that the Warriors were not all members so he didn’t need to to be such a homer. Was an interesting game though.

The first 10 Min misconduct
The first 10 Min misconduct
17 years ago

Strangest game i’ve ever witnessed. When the broken glass was noticed and he was skaing over to tell Goat, we though he was going to boot the entire crowd out

Thirsty Goalie
Thirsty Goalie
17 years ago

How about when he stopped the whole game to go use the restroom? He just took his helmet off and left it on top of the goal and then made a b line right off the ice.

roller hockey pants
roller hockey pants
17 years ago

Hey Carter, since you want to whine about the non offsides call maybe we should mention the fact that the ref missed Morrasco’s second period goal that everyone in the peanut gallery saw go in.

17 years ago

WSL price 190, BJ fought sivel and got 10 minute misconduct PRICELESS.

17 years ago

Hit the post, didn’t go in, I was right there. Please use my real name of Red Rocket, I don’t know any “Carter”, I think he plays golf and horseshoes or something.

The ref also blamed one of our players for the stink he left in that locker room.

Drunk and Watching
Drunk and Watching
17 years ago

No goal….all pipe

Roller hockey pants
Roller hockey pants
17 years ago

Sorry RR, there was several confirmed sightings of that being a goal. My mistake for listening to a bunch of blurry eyed drunks. I stand corrected in my gay pants.

Dr. Bumba
Dr. Bumba
17 years ago

That was a goal.

17 years ago

i was not there but if you wear roller hockey shit shut the f up