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Not Jon B
Not Jon B
17 years ago

this is where we post comments. Funny ones are preferable. post humorous links etc. like this one :


or hockey related stuff like this one :

everybody's asking
everybody's asking
17 years ago

Weta is strictly a New Zealand name that derives from the Maori name of wetapunga that was given to the giant weta. Wetapunga translates roughly to “God of ugly things”. And it was an ugly game tonight with the wetas losing yashin and dave joyce. we’ll also likely be missing 6 guys b/c of wintersport playoffs next game. speaking of ugly … who put the odoul’s can in our mix …

thirsty on 4/6/07
thirsty on 4/6/07
17 years ago

It should be a very shorthanded game on Sunday, the Ducks are missing quite a few people as well.

17 years ago

good beer last night thor, a tasty treat. If you spongebob Val early on sunday then you can make the Wetas game and play goal.

17 years ago

are we going to have a goalie on sunday BTW?

17 years ago

If Dowel is out for the Ducks I can ask the Green Parrot goalie

League Office
League Office
17 years ago

We are in the process of assessing the extent of Kyle Yashin’s injury. Right now he is day-to-day, but he is meeting with our league doctors tomorrow once the swelling goes down. Preliminary medical reports suggest that Kyle was “trying too hard” which led to him “over-exerting his chronically under-exerted groin”.

The league has another goalie on retainer who will fill in for the duration of Yashin’s injury. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Kyle and his family, and we hope for his speedy recovery.

It's spelled Dowell
It's spelled Dowell
17 years ago

You can get the parrot goalie to play. If I make it I will just take Kleb’s spot at forward.

dowel dowle duale' (french version)
dowel dowle duale' (french version)
17 years ago

Wood Ducks kan’t spel

17 years ago

suck ya momma puun puun wetta, slap it up. bumbaklaat eh!

17 years ago

Shoot and poop