Games #1 is WSC vs. Wetas at 10:00 AM.
Game #2 is Hoseheads vs. Ducks at 11:30AM. Game #3 is Darkness vs. Chiefs at
1:00pm. The championship Game between the Winners of Game #1 and Game #2 is
at 3:00 PM.
Everyone should know that we are officially asking every team to refrain
from having “call-up” players for the tournament because every team will be
missing a few players due to the holiday weekend. Judging from the
information that we have, most teams will be down to 10-12 players at best.
If a player is not on your roster, then he cannot play in the tournament. We
want to avoid any controversy and or bad feelings etc as they will make the
party less festive.
Speaking of the Party, we will have two kegs, 200 wings, 30lbs of sausage,
hot-dogs, hamburgers, and tomato pies. Sounds good. Remember, the beer cup
and tee-shirt (see attached picture) is $10. All are welcome. Its all about
the party.
Jon and Bill